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Some Novelty Pieces Reviewed

A number of arrangements by The Novelty Early Music Publishing Company were received for review at the beginning of the month. The ones most likely to be of interest to Tamesis readers are listed below - if anyone would like to review them they should apply to the Chairman.

1. Spem in Alium by Tallis arranged for sopranino and descant recorders
2. Lullabies through the ages for alta capella (two shawms and slide trumpet)
3. First Pieces for the Bass Sackbut - Volume 2. This includes The Flight of the Bumblebee by Rimsky-Korsakov  and the Czardas by Monti
4. Chopin mazurkas arranged for crumhorn ensemble
5. Corelli's La Follia variations in the rarely-heard lute and bagpipe version
6. Monteverdi's Vespers of 1610 arranged for children's voices accompanied by guitars and tambourine

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